18 May, 2022
Lorem Ipsum dolor sit em et consec adi piscing dolor sit emet consec adipi dolor sidi pscing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel consequat dolor, id tincidunt ligula. Vestibulum nec convallis lectus, vulputate laoreet libero. Donec et augue erat. Pellentesque purus sapien, vulputate non leo vel, commodo consequat nunc. Etiam a velit dolor. Donec viverra blandit odio, id elementum felis placerat facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Vivamus ut convallis lorem. Vivamus pharetra odio in ante dictum, et porta purus pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas lectus neque, posuere quis sapien in, tincidunt porttitor neque. Aenean eu dapibus mauris, et bibendum diam. Vestibulum convallis purus a rhoncus lacinia.

Quisque consequat quis dui ut placerat. Vivamus facilisis aliquet mi blandit vehicula. Nullam gravida consectetur viverra. Suspendisse at finibus metus, a dignissim arcu. Curabitur vel ultricies ante. Morbi tincidunt ipsum vestibulum, eleifend orci id, malesuada elit. Nunc sed metus non arcu ornare ultrices ac non mi.

Mauris malesuada orci purus, a vulputate nunc consectetur a. Proin at dolor quis lacus pharetra pretium a ac tellus. Nulla quis est mi. Mauris lobortis, lectus id commodo molestie, urna eros laoreet augue, fermentum tincidunt est lorem eu nibh. Donec vel feugiat mi. Vivamus mattis efficitur velit in congue.

Vestibulum maximus euismod purus id molestie. Aenean placerat suscipit ultricies. Phasellus sagittis sem rhoncus, finibus diam ut, vulputate leo. Donec ultricies metus orci, id elementum sem semper a. Donec semper sagittis massa viverra vehicula. Maecenas id odio sodales, rhoncus velit vel, mattis dui. Praesent maximus leo sit amet mi volutpat, consequat ornare lacus fringilla.

Etiam nulla risus, interdum eu bibendum eu, iaculis vel quam. Mauris tincidunt vitae augue eget placerat. Aliquam tincidunt laoreet diam. Duis urna felis, dictum ac blandit quis, dapibus sed nibh. Pellentesque vel bibendum mauris. Ut non commodo metus, ut bibendum est. Mauris rutrum neque nec metus iaculis bibendum.

Quisque laoreet est lectus, sit amet faucibus sapien faucibus vitae. Maecenas eleifend tortor elit, a vulputate nunc ultricies ut. Pellentesque scelerisque enim ut lacinia semper. Phasellus aliquet consequat sem sed elementum. Mauris ut quam finibus nisl convallis dictum quis sed erat. Maecenas eu purus magna. Fusce finibus consequat odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed volutpat quam quis augue scelerisque interdum.

Mauris malesuada orci purus, a vulputate nunc consectetur a. Proin at dolor quis lacus pharetra pretium a ac tellus. Nulla quis est mi.

0 Responses
18 August, 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet uer adipiscing elit, sed diam non um my nibh lorem ips um dol or sit amet.
18 August, 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet uer adipiscing elit, sed diam non um my nibh lorem ips um dol or sit amet.
24 August, 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet uer adipiscing elit, sed diam non um my nibh lorem ips um dol or sit amet.



I would like to thank Mina Rizkalla for his amazing assistance. Mina was so polite, patient and helpful. Thank you Mississauga Career College for having someone like Mina.

Also I don’t want to forget MarianeTadros for her patience and help through out the time before the course started. Thank you so much Samuel, it is great college.

Mohab Ragheb

I was an accountant with the old method but this Career College has helped me to work with programs Canada uses and I want to thank our College Principle for choosing us a professional professor with high-level knowledge, patience and flexibility. I also want to thank the employees because of being persistence and having high sense of responsibility. I recommend this College to anyone who is planning to do something different as a job or renew/update their certificate to a Canadian certificate that is more acceptable. I’m very happy that I got this opportunity to grow in every aspect.


I just finished a Computerized Accounting Tax and Payroll Diploma and it was so helpful, the instructor was really professional and the collage is even helping us find a job.

I have had such a great experience with Mississauga Career College and I recommend you have it too.

Nesreen Nabil

Your first impression will be how impressive the College Facility is, I suggest to talk to one of their friendly well informed Counselors, they will guide you in everything including filling up forms. Chosing career, presenting tuition fees plans…..etc.

They have professional Admin Staff. I noticed their Education fees are very competitively priced. They have highly educated Professors. They also offer finance plans and working careers.

Tarek He9

The ECA Program at the Mississauga Training Centre was perfect for me! All the classes are well-organized and the staff were so helpful. I learned a lot through the program and by the time I graduated I was ready to start my career! The ECA program at MTC was the ladder that took me from the first step to the top – I became confident to work with children after I took the two field placements.

After I graduated, they kept helping me to prepare my resume and start applying for jobs. Now I’m a permanent teacher at a daycare. I would like to thank everyone who helped me to reach my goals.

Jwan Haddo

I am currently attending the Pre – Med program and I have to say its an amazing program. I was able to save a lot, specially by signing up early. Its not that far from home.

The profs know what they are talking about and the classes are small and all about you so you can really focus on what you know and what you don’t know.

Fady Amgad